Nice article. Interesting juxtapositions (rapper, wrapper) and tidbits (Rongs).

2 questions:

1.) "...shitty small town. The ones who respond to adults saying ‘I am a Potterhead’ with..." Were you also referencing the movie "It's a Wonderful Life" (Jimmy Stewart) that's set in a small shitty town called Potterville?

2. "Someone from the dry and famous western state, that’s been called model and what-not"? California? What are you referencing here? Curious. Thanks...

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I think some clarification is needed here. We are an India based publication. The Western State that I was referring to is Gujarat. It's a dry state in the sense that alcohol is banned there. 'Model' because 'the Gujarat development model' was a big election ploy by the party in power right now.

The potterhead reference too comes from my personal experience. Didn't know anything about 'It's a wonderful life' while writing this. But now will check it out for sure.

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